CloudCan GPT is live!
GPT is OpenAI's most advanced system and produces safer and more useful answers.
It can now be integrated into the Microsoft Teams platform with our application and can be easily used by all accounts with Microsoft 365.
Easy access
Integrated with Microsoft Teams
Single sign-on with Office 365
Integrated into the company's culture
Easy access
Integrated with Microsoft Teams
Single sign-on with Office 365
Data security
Learning and Development Ability
Ability to integrate into the company
Active chat bot feature
Archiving and grouping chatbot searches
Industry and sector specific models
Data management portal for corporate companies
Grouping and coloring chats in history as classic and corporate
Speech to text
Ability to ask questions by uploading images
Corporate gamification with Artificial Intelligence
How smarter?
You can learn with GPT link (instead of text only)
64,000 word memory (short term memory) instead of 8000 word memory
8x is “smarter”
Works in 25 different languages including French, German and Spanish